Fund Performance

Our efficient risk management helped us to minimise our drawdown to just -10% to -12% vs market fall of -30%-50% since inception. Efficient risk management helped us in the best way to outperform the market during fall of Feb-Mar 20 and rise post that

Years Returns
I-Wealth Fund Nifty Smallcap 100 Nifty 50
1 Month -11.29% -9.90% -0.58%
3 Month -12.44% -8.05% -2.88%
6 Month -10.69% -11.64% -5.78%
1 Year      9.90% 5.52% 8.21%
3 Year 19.14% 15.01% 10.68%
5 Year 25.49% 22.12% 14.47%
SI  19.76% 13.71% 12.50%

Rs 1cr invested in i-Wealth fund in June 18 is now worth Rs 3.33 crs vs Rs 2.36 crs in Nifty Small Cap 100 and Rs 2.19 crs in Nifty 50.

Maximum gain, minimum pain

I-Wealth Fund gain to pain ratio is nearly two times higher than the benchmark indices

Drawdown RoMaD Ratio Gain to Pain Ratio
I-wealth Fund 16.77 2.69
Nifty Small Cap 100 2.98 1.66
Nifty 50 3.82 1.90

# iWealth fund returns are post-tax and after performance fees

* CAGR returns; **SI (Since inception)

@ RoMaD Ratio:  Return over Maximum Drawdown Ratio

#  Gain to Pain Ratio: how much pain a fund manager gave you while delivering his gains

* From June -18 to  Nov-21  Fund  1  and  Nov-21  onwards  Fund 2